I don’t use the word awesome much. Or even amazing. I think they are over used. Honestly though, it’s probably in part because I’m not paying enough attention. There are amazing things and awesome forces all around this beautiful place I live. Looking through the lens of a camera is helping me see so much more that amazes me, often, right in front of me. It also puts me in a position to see more of those things, getting me out of my routine, piquing my interest in things around me, paying more attention. The other day it gave me a truly AWESOME experience and because of the kindness of a friend (who let me borrow a great lens) I was able to capture it in pictures. I am so grateful.
I witnessed a Bald Eagle soaring high above me, circling, and flying to its nest. I know the eagle is an amazing bird. I know the symbolism. But I am here to tell you, this bird was awesome! Even at a distance, the wingspan is obviously massive. The tail and head look pure white. Talons went from being aerodynamically tucked to outstretched and terrifying. Speaking of aerodynamics: awesome! Then as he sat in the nest, he looked so regal, surveying the landscape. I could have stayed all day watching.
I can’t quite separate the excitement of the sight itself from the excitement of being able to actually get pictures of it. I have no illusions – okay I had illusions for a few seconds – that National Geographic will be calling me, but I can’t stop looking at these pictures and saying “wow,” “amazing” or, yes you guessed it, “awesome.” It’s not just the pictures. I’ve seen beautiful pictures of eagles in flight before by great photographers. I’ve never experienced the sight before. Now I relive it every time I look at the pictures. Thanks to my photography habit, I was in a place I’d never have been in otherwise. Thanks to a good friend and a lot of luck, I have pictures to show for it and a story to tell. Now I just need a better vocabulary. I think I have officially over used my allotment of “awesome.”