Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 112 The Cross

One day several weeks ago when I was looking for a picture for the day, I found this cross hanging in a tree in my back yard. It was just a couple of sticks caught up in some vines, but it struck me that day. Then, as often happens, a "better" picture came along that day. Today, as I thought about Good Friday, I remembered the cross, went for a look and found it was still there. It's appropriate for today and it was a good symbolic Lenten lesson for me to be reminded that no matter what else comes along, it will still be there.


Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Wow, a devine gift. Love it Co. Love that you shared it on Good Friday. Hope you have a blessed Easter weekend. So glad you're doing this 365 thing. I love seeing your world. God bless.

Unknown said...

nice. good shot.

April said...

You never fail to surprise me. Great choice.