Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 277 Thank You

I'm very lucky. Even on a day when it's late and I have no picture, no ideas for a picture and lots of other things I should be doing. Armed only with a point-and-shoot camera, I can take 10 minutes and go to the beach. I might not always come away with the best of photos, but I sure come away with a better attitude and a pile of gratitude. I've heard from some friends lately that my daily pictures have become a regular, and positive, part of their day. Imagine what the project is doing for me! Not only do I get to take the time to look around me every day and appreciate what I see, I get the support of great friends. I don't tell you all enough: Thank you.

1 comment:

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Same here Colette. Barely got pulled over in time to get a pic in the daylight. With nothing else in the camera, what I had had to be. At least you were able to breathe in some of that wonderful salty air. Have a good week.