Saturday, December 31, 2011

Day 365 It's Been Fun

It was no surprise really, when my plan to shoot an inspirational sunrise as my final shot of the year was foiled by fog this morning. Two things that have become more clear than ever to me over the past year are that, in photography as in life, 1) you never know what tomorrow will bring and 2) you don't always get what you want. What I wanted going into this project was to spend more time taking pictures and in turn become a better photographer. I've done both, so while every day didn't result in the quality picture I was hoping for, I feel very lucky to have gotten what I wanted. And I've gotten much more. Looking back on the year, I am humbled and grateful for the blessings and opportunities that have come with this project and for the support of friends and family both as I have struggled and as I have succeeded. Thank you all! I wish you all the best in the new year. Stay tuned . . . I won't be posting a picture every day, but I don't think "Seeing Things" is going to go away. Just like this year, I guess we'll take one day at a time and see what happens.


April said...

What a great way to close 2011. And what a year it has been. Very proud to be your friend.

Laura Delegal - Leroy Photography said...

Well, I for one, want you to continue every day! Join me in my pain! :) Regardless, I'll still be following. Thanks for taking the journey with me. Have a blessed new year, my friend.

Unknown said...

I have greatly enjoyed seeing the world through your eyes again, and though I don't comment every day, I have seen every picture, I think. keep it up!