Thursday, October 25, 2012

Day 10: Weathered

I got to the beach just as the sun was setting today. It was a beautiful sunset. What struck me, though, were the sea oats. They are weathered this time of year. Not as bright and golden as in earlier months. They don't look as carefree as they blow in the wind. They look a bit tired. But they are still beautiful. And they are strong. After all the wind and rain they've been through, they are still standing strong. While they stand as individuals, they have an amazing support system under the surface of the sand. That system keeps them upright and builds the entire "beach community" of dunes and habitat. In the sand, the oats that are falling to the ground will start to do their part, rooting into the support system, making it even stronger. Next year, they'll be bright, golden and beautiful again. As I think about it now, I hear Jimmy Fallon saying, "Thank you sea oats, for being strong enough to weather the seasons and come back strong. You are beautiful." Thanks to my friend April, for putting "strength" on top of my gratitude list today. I wish it for you every day.

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